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Steps to Generate Product Descriptions

Original content is a requirement to have effective Google SEO and Advertising campaigns. If you want to modify product descriptions for your business and drive advertising revenue here are the steps you can follow:

1. Upload Data: First, you need to upload an Excel Sheet (CSV or XLSX file) with the data for your products. Ensure that you have descriptions in your data and know the column name for them.

2. Enter Details: Once you have uploaded the Excel Sheet file, enter the column name for descriptions and the number of descriptions in the file.

3. Receive Email: After entering the required details, an email will be sent to you containing an Excel Sheet output file.

4. Review Output File: The final output Excel Sheet will contain an additional column, `Modified Descriptions’ which will have the modified descriptions for your products.

5. Check for Plagiarism: Finally, you can use an online tool such as Dupli Checker to check for plagiarism in the modified descriptions. Simply visit their website ( and enter the modified descriptions in the checker to get your results.

By following these simple steps, you can generate your product descriptions and ensure that they are unique and informative to drive revenue with your product SEO content and advertising campaigns.

Generate Product Descriptions